Monday, April 25, 2011

Uncharted Area Music News

      Music is probably the only thing I can count on in a world filled with uncertainties. Long ago, I decided I would never work a 'regular' job. I needed variety and something fresh. Not only do I spend several hours listening to anything from classic Beatles to underground local bands with only friends to support them, but I'm trying to create a local music community from scratch. I call it Uncharted. 
The Blog Logo
In search of a new design!

      It's definitely a huge task for a 19-year-old, unemployed, college dropout to take on. Fortunately for me, I have lots of faith in the project and don't have any plans on slowing down. I've already made a tiny impression on some people in the area, specifically some bigger local bands. I've written over 10 articles already in the last couple of weeks.
      Let me try and explain, remember 'handful of friends' band I mentioned before? My general plan is to unite all these tiny unknown bands via a music blog. I write about these bands that are virtually invisible, they send their friends to the article link, they post comments and talk.
      If I could create a community using these bands and their fans as a foundation, not only could I bring together the local music scene, but I could expand the blog to cover the entire midwest!
      I decided on the name Uncharted because it was definitely very fitting. This is my main focus, of course there are several other projects I'm working on(music projects, other blog projects, etc.). I really don't know why I'm writing all this, maybe to finally have it typed out. Perhaps, I could use this as a mission statement to myself. Having it visible and public might motivate me when things are looking down.

(Originally posted on Goodblog)

Saturday, April 23, 2011


      Life's a puzzle. Just when you think you've figured everything out, you find a piece is missing. I've recently started pursuing an interesting venture. I'm writing a few articles for Rockford's local page. While doing that, I've been adding articles to my Uncharted blog, a blog revolving around local music news.

      I've gotten fairly good at the whole thing, I just wish I had a little more to show for it. In the last two weeks, this little side project has earned me no more than 5 dollars. Oh well, I've got to start somewhere. $5 is more than zero.

      I'm trying to figure what to do, I've been looking for work, but not as thoroughly as I could be. The idea of being stuck in a factory job really irks me. It's definitely not something I want to be stuck doing 8 hours a day.

      I thought I'd try and fill you guys in, if any of you still have interest. joeEFFINGmayo Presents Uncharted. Also, changed the twitter name from GenoCyDeClimax to joeEFFINGmayo! Follow!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Life's a bench in a park covered in bird poop.

    Hello? Anyone here? Didn't think so. If I had readers, they would know that I've been struggling a bit. I've recently been looking for some kind of income opportunities. Several failed ideas later, I've decided to start writing articles about local artists and musicians, as well as events and venues.

    I've gotten the hang of it, with 2 articles already below my belt. The best part is that I can even be payed for views. Which would be very helpful in this time of need;. Of course, I still need a real job, apart from this side project. It's just a few extra bucks on the side.

    So, if you're feeling curious, check out my articles about local upcoming event, Feckbawlz Fest 2011, and/or about local battle rapper, Souless. Maybe even like it? I could use the support.

    In other news, I've been cutting back on crazy and dangerous. I'm even considering a name change. GenoCyDe portrays too much hate and violence, and honestly I don't fit the description. I may or may not revert back to a name I've used before, joeEFFINGmayo. Joe GenoCyDe or joeEFFINGmayo?

I believe you can check up on my articles here and follow me on twitter here. Mucho Love-o to all of you-o.

~Joe Undecided

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Cyst

    Hello, readers! I attempted to update all of you on what was going on in my life, but I did so through boring blog posts. For a few days, I thought I had a blister on my ass. When it popped and bled out for 20 minutes, I decided I needed to see a doctor.

    I am uninsured, and I don't know how much money I currently owe. I know that I need $250 before a doctor will see me about removing the cyst. The cyst isn't dangerous, but I would rather have it removed before I have to deal with another few days of pain and another hospital visit caused by another infection.

    Unfortunately, for the time being, I'm going to start writing sponsored blog posts. I will try to do them infrequently and try to keep them as honest and real as possible. I need the money and I assure you it's only for the time being. If it isn't worth the time or the money, I won't bother.

    Again, I hope you understand and don't judge me for it. I feel like a sell-out blogger.

~Joe GenoCyDe

P.S. schadenfreude refreshes the parts other beers cannot reach