Friday, February 25, 2011

Zombie Outbreak: Operation Failure

    Thanks to video games and movies, I come from a generation that is just itching for a simple zombie outbreak to spread worldwide(myself included). Everyone thinks they'd survive, it'd be a great way to just reset the world, and everyone has considered population control at some point (Ever been to the DMV?).

    So I've been very ill these last couple of days and yesterday was no exception. I could hardly move or breathe for that matter. When I woke up, I had to pee really bad. I tried to open my eyes and sit up for a moment, but it wasn't working out for me. Somehow, my vision was shot. Everything was sepia toned and blurry, like a dramatic lifetime movie where my dad dies in a fire. Everything was quiet, any sound that was made was delayed and muffled.

    I stumbled across the room and managed to get up the stairs. This is when my mind went kind of nuts. Something felt very wrong. Zombies. That was my thought process. Something. Bad. Zombies.

    Oh well, after I used the bathroom and went back to sleep, I realized it wasn't my brightest moment. Fortunately, I feel much better today. Quickly doing some laundry so I can wash away the sickness I sweated out. I know, I know, there's nothing sexier than a sweaty man. Ladies, contain yourselves.

    Thought that was a nice little story you guys could enjoy. Still trying to keep up the awesomeness of my blog. Open to suggestions about things to talk about. I will have it be known that I don't much care for pop culture AKA Bieber's Haircut.

~Joe GenoCyDe

1 comment:

  1. When the zombie holocaust comes I'm getting bitten as soon as I can. Then I can shuffle around all day like a drunk, not worryng about going to work or personal hygiene. Those zombies have got it made.
